30 year anniversary

We celebrate Lisbet Graven Jensen, who have her 30th year anniversary at Graff Growing.

Lisbet has worked for Graff in the nursery as a gardener for 30 years.

We and our young-plant customers all over the world love to work with you
and appreciate your high standards and team spirit.

from the left: Jakob Graff, Gert Graff, Lisbeth Graven Jensen, Poul Graff, Helle Graff & Erik Graff.

from the left: Jakob Graff, Gert Graff, Lisbeth Graven Jensen, Poul Graff, Helle Graff & Erik Graff.

We change our name to Graff Growing A/S


The family nursery Graff Kristensen A/S has been flourishing for the past 90 years and every day we strive to achieve excellent performance and deliver high quality.

Our mission is to keep up the good standards and continuously Grow our business and knowledge in close corporation with Graff Breeding A/S and Graff Young Plants A/S.

To express and support our future goals we decided to change our company name to Graff Growing A/S.

We also want to thank our employees, business partners, suppliers and customers for always being loyal and dedicated.

Graff Growing A/S will continue to be owned by the two brothers Poul Graff and Gert Graff, at the location in Sabro, Denmark.

We are looking forward to the next 90 Years.

Gert Graff

Nye medarbejdere hos Graff Kristensen

Vi vil rigtig gerne byde velkommen til 3 nye medarbejdere hos Graff Kristensen A/S

Ulla Kjeldgaard Olesen

Ulla er ansat som Accounts Manager

Ulla kommer fra en stilling som Accountant hos JS Danmark & JS World Media

Jørgen Koldby

Jørgen er tilknyttet som konsulent på salg og marketing pr 1/10-2019

Jørgen har været aktiv i vores branche hele livet og kommer med et kæmpe engagement og en energi som vi glæder os til at gøre brug af.

Vi glæder os til samarbejdet

Gert Graff

An overwhelming honor for Graff Kristensen

All of us at Graff are proud and grateful to announce that we have been awarded International Grower of the year 2017 by AIPH in the category ‘Young Plants’. We would like to use the opportunity to thank everyone in our network, for your positive comments and your participation in helping us achieve this great honor. Last but not least, there should also sound a big applause and thank you to all our partners around the world for helping us come so far – without you, your support and trust in us, this would not have been possible. 

For more information about AIPH, visit their website: www.aiph.org/groweroftheyear

IPM Innovation Award 2017

We are pleased to announce that our new variety HibisQs® 'Petit™ Orange' has won the "IPM Innovation Award 2017" in the category "Flowering Pot Plants".

HibisQs® Petit™ Orange is a traditional Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis, but it differentiates itself with it's characteristic small-sized and two colored flower. The plant is naturelcompact and the leaves are small, strong and shiny. Like most of our HibisQs®, this variety 'Petit™ Orange' have a long shelf- and lifetime, why it will bring color and joy to every spot it is placed - inside as well as outside.